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Saturday, May 21, 2011

A quick iPad 2 run through..just the basics

In this video I quickly go trough some of the physical features and applications of my iPad 2 Wifi White model. I rushed the video and did not feel like re filming, spur of the moment kinda thing but I hope it gets you some what familiar with the device especially if you are considering purchasing one.

Highly recommend the iPad 2!

Yes I know my hands are annoying in this one..But 2 Monsters(EnegyDrinks) will have super concentrated and moving..lol

Im Back!!!!..What?! today is the 21st!!!!

So about a week ago I tried to log into my Blogger account and it was deleted. I almost lost my mind, because I do put a significant amount of time and work on my blog (at least I like to think so). So after a few days, I just decided to read the terms and conditions; which I should've read in the first place. And at the bottom of the terms, there was the copyright section, which stated that no movie trailers can be posted on the blogs. Well of course I thinks its dumb since I was basically promoting the Thor film. But I couldn't also get into my gmail or YouTube accounts. So finally today they sent me a confirmation reset password thingy and here I am. And of course I removed the trailer. So moving on..today is the 21st!!!!!

5-21-11 The Rapture was suppose take place today at 6p.m. And Im still here :),typing this blog. SO, I guess that guys prediction was false. THANK GOD. I seriously was not ready to die yet. I have a huge list of things I would like to experience and accomplish still. I STILL LIVE IN AN APARTMENT!!! havent even bought a house yet geesh..SO, did I believe in it? Maybe just a little. I am not a religious man, per say. I do not attend a church but I do have faith in the Holy Bible and Jesus Christ. I was raised to do right thing and obey the book. So my heart is with religion but my mind is with science. Will that jeopardized my spot in heaven? Only god knows. I just cant help it! To me I just like how things come together and apart. And that is what science basically is. Im a fan of evidence and a strong argument with at least a thesis or better yet proof.

Harold Camping announced that today was Judgement Day. He basically did the math and was certain today was it. Well it turned out to be a very sunny day out side. And me, well, I was at home with a headache, thinking of what I hoped would not have happened. Thanks a lot Herald, for ruining a great bike riding day. So I got home from work at five, and boy did I count the minutes. I know it sounds like Im crazy, but I think I was pretty prepared for a grand escape..lol. I will try to survive even if I know I wouldn't. At least thats my mind state. I had a bag packed with necessities just in case the ground decided to split in half..lol. And I know Im kidding about this but I don't appreciate the news and all the web pages mocking this guy. Even if I don't agree with his method of spreading the word with fear, you still have to respect his faith. Do people really think this man put everything on the line for a belief with himself only at mind. He did not. He was trying to save the world or at least give us time to do what we needed to be saved and follow him to the heavens.

So I close this by saying "Don't mock a lending hand. Be kind to those who see the world spin the other way, because at the end of each day, that person stands on the same earth you do."

P.S So again Im very happy my Blogger account wasn't completely deleted. DO NOT POST MOVIE TRAILERS on this Blog site, of course. And I will be posting a few videos I recorded the other day.

And a link to an interesting Rapture explanation webpage is below..Click On it and don't pretend you know what the heck I was writing about. lol

May 21, 2011: Are You Ready For the Rapture? - DivineCaroline

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So I just saw THOR!!!!!

Im a huge Marvel Comics fan. I don't read the comics as much as I use to when I was a kid, but I do collect the films, and this one just blew me away. So I actually saw it last saturday. All my friends wanted to go out drinking, me on the other hand was still recovering from the prior night. I posted an open invitation on Facebook and Twitter to go see the movie after my shift, and no takers. I should have been :(, but it actually turned out to be a cool night anyways. So I leave work at about 9:45pm and drive straight to the theater. I pick up my Thor 3D ticket(If you are not doing the 3D version nowadays you are really missing out on an amazing picture,) grab myself a bucket of popcorn and a diet pepsi. I got a pretty cool seat at the very top left corner of the theater. I ended up meeting this real cool older guy and we just turned the Marvel fanboy switch on and discussed all the classics. Then the movie had me on the edge of my seat. The visuals were so advanced compared to earlier science fiction films. The costumes, dialogue were just amazing! The story line had me hooked and the scenery (just like Avatar) kept me wondering the "What if." Over all a successful man date with myself and the movie is a Blu-ray must have when its released, which Im hoping for in christmas!
_So I conclude with 2 thumbs up for this one..Go CHECK IT OUT!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

So Now my Blog Continues to Evolve!!!!

So this whole Blog actually started as a class project. I figured hey I like technology and I work in retail, so let me make a Tech review Blog. But as I went along I had the urge in making it a little more personal. SO I started posting my opinions on certain topics and sharing some of my good and bad days ETC. So in conclusion I have decided to make this ALL ABOUT ME!! Yes, I am self centered and cant get enough of myself, but Im sure this blog will also be entertaining to others as I share bits and pieces of my thoughts, opinions, experiences and Yes good ol fashion Tech Reviews! As I blog I am teaching myself alot of things along the way, the quality of my post will improve along the way as well..So please FollowSubscribe, whatever it is you do on Blogger and as always leave the comments below the posts so I can communicate back and get crucial FeedBack!

Releasing Osama Pics

       So for part of my Mass Communications final, I had to write an essay on my thoughts about releasing the Osama pictures and video of the assault. The scenario is that I am basically the one that makes that decision for the president and I have to take the Potter steps of journalism to make the correct decision etc.
       In my opinion I think we should not release them. Why you ask? Because we have nothing else to prove and will be taking the big risk here. So we killed him, he's out of the picture, and now we want to stir the pot even more. I was reading an article earlier in the week and one of the concerns of releasing the pictures is that Osama will then become an icon and more of our enemies will obsess and idolized him in a "god like" fashion, and then go on a blood spree to avenge the profits death causing mayor havoc. Our nation is the best, well maybe no morally but we are the biggest and own the most advanced weaponry out of all the super powers. We are S.H.I.E.L.D (Marvel Comics reference) we control everything and have the biggest and most advanced toys, we have LASERS on our Navy ships for christ sake!..lol. But my point is we don't need more hatred aimed our way. We are already fighting a depression as well as a horde of Zombies! What I mean by that is that we are fighting mindless fools that will do anything, including taking there own lives just to prove a point. This is when all the cards are put on the table. This is when and hopefully not, these followers come into our country and recruit from within. This is when and I hope it never happens, when people start to see Osama as a man of his people, a man that risked it all for whatever it is he believed. This is when the masses in our country start to turn on the U.S and start to fight from within us with us! Now this is just a crazy theory that I have, please continue to love thy neighbor. Because I seriously don't think it will happen since everybody loves the way us U.S citizens live, we can practically do what ever we want as long as we don't cross certain boundaries. We live in the land of the FREE. But back to if I think they should release the pictures and videos, No I think they should remain under water in proper burial with the man that sunk our Towers. Out of sight, Out of mind.    

Apple tv Review..1 take with my iPhone 3GS..Excuse the quality

So I filmed this review out of the blue. I just got another iPhone and figured I could record my iPad 2, which is what I usually film stuff with to show the AppleTv/iPad2 functions. So in other words the iPhone 3GS does not record in HD so the quality might not be all that great. This was all taken in one take, no no redos!  And while I was stepping back making my way back to the coffee table, I was attacked by my cat, but I was still able to stay professional and not throw him trough the television set, so kudos to me.lol. My voice is a little odd because I am currently fighting the influenza virus and I refuse to use medicine! But I hope you enjoy the review, and as always leave a comment and tell me what you think.

Crazy Day Today

So I wake up this morning really sick..it's like 530am..had to be at school at 7 to take my first final..I went in there confident and got a B on the final and an A on my Mac PowerPoint..unfortunately I felt to much like crap to be excited..So I went home, got some breakfast at McDonald's and fell into a sick comma(sleep) till about 1pm, when my iPhone goes off. My buddy Adro just got himself a new Kawasaki 600..So woke up and went for an hour long bike ride out on pretty much empty country roads..Got my bike up to 90mph (personal best).. A bug hit me n it actually stung a little..lol, since I was going pretty fast..#Epic..Anyways get to school and hammer away at my last final which was for this class (MassCommunication..Mr.Jensen)..I'm pretty confident in my work..so I'll post when I get my results soon..#Fingers crossed

Monday, May 2, 2011

GearsOfWar3Beta Montage! Check it out!!!!

 This was my first montage video ever and I put it together in literally 20 mins to have it ready for class. I had some trouble with the audio and I was editing it on iMovie for the mac which is alot more complicated that the ipad version.This all a learning experience..lol. But excuses aside it was a pretty good match, I had the top kills.                                                                                                                                                      

WARNING- The montage video you are about to see if very graphic, so if you are not into that type of stuff please skip it. But on the other hand you might regret it later..lol

The Dazzle HD capture card!!! GearsOfWar3Beta!

So I have access to the Gears of War 3 Beta! and I happened to capture some of my gameplay with my Dazzle HD capture card. This little device connects to the Xbox or what ever gaming system you have and connects to your p.c.. You can record and upload to youtube or what ever site you choose.

Osama..Gone and over with

So last night while watching a movie I check twitter and everybody is saying Obamas going to make an announcement. So as crazy as I probably am I automatically assumed he was going to announce ALIENS!!! Which thank god he didn't..lol But even better they announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in an undercover assault on the village he was hiding out at, and that they had the body and were waiting on DNA testing. I was pretty excited for like five minutes and then joined the lynch mod on Facebook and twitter and typed USA and other cool stuff :)
I hate all war. Peace

Monday, April 25, 2011

Follow Me on Twitter!!!!!

You can folllow me and my univentful live on Twitter  @iJonArroyo


So like I mentioned in my last post I havent really got a chance to say too much about my self so I will share something personal with my readers, I have a cool CAT, his name is Bubba and he actually listens to his dad(me)..lol Check out my next post for a clip I filmed a while back of my obidient cat.

My Mac set up, I have updated it recently but Check It Out!!!!

My Mac set up

So following my review video on the iPod Shuffle I filmed a video of my Mac setup, since I have not gone into detail about my hobbies or the things I like, the first thing I wanna say is that I love my APPLE products. So thats what I mostly like to review. Check this video out and let me know what you think. Your feed back is crucial to my media developement, the more cunstructive criticism the better my reviews get obviously. :)
P.S this video was also filmed to compete with my buddies set up FYI..lol

IPod Shuffle 4G Review..Please leave some feedbackand tell me what you think

Finally decided What to do with my blog!!!

Sorry I havent posted anything recently, I just havent found a good topic to dedicate this blog to. SO since I work in an electronics store I figured Uhm why not review some of my own electronics. Later on today I will post a video that I shot not to long ago of my iPod Shuffle, nifty little device thats not just portable, but also affordable.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Creating a Blog page for my Communications Class

Today in Mr. Jensens class we had a speaker(Sarah) demonstrate different blog sites. So of course the assignment was to create our own blog. So here it is!!